I think that was lucky boy. Moreover, my parents is good persons which love children very. When I was young, my home has been very poor. However, my parents works hard very and is honest and sincere persons. Me and my younger brother receive and grew very many loves from my parents. When I was very young, I had lived often in the country home that grandfather lives with grandmother. They also were very sincere and good persons. Village that grandmother and grandfather lived was A remote rural area village. They had engage in farming of rice. It is work that many works are necessary. And must work without that it runs out always. I was very young and had enjoyed often plays Korean ancient times with other brothers or relatives.
I ride ice sled and had played making ice sled directly by the tree. It has very simple structure. When I was young, I had liked very that ice sled.
I drew image which it of about enemy be although do not draw well.

It is very easy that make this to me now. It was never easy that however an young boy makes this. While I make this, I wounded very much injuries in hand. But I think that it was very delightful process.
Put ice sled that I make on icy ground, and if have pushed ice powerfully by small fire stick that drive sprig in both end sitting on flakeboard, it was one of the best joy. It is very dangerous in fact that ride ice sled play in the country. Because most of icy ground were that is life because pond freezes. By the way, because there was often very thin part in the icy ground. Anyway, I have memory which can remain by recollection without big accident.
And I had played Paengi(top) play sometimes. However, I had not done well. I was beaten often. It was difficult play secretly. It need fast flexibility and judgment. I have very fast flexibility and judgment now but when I was young, my judgment had been very late and is remembered. Perhaps, because was a boy who I have very reserved personality.
Anyway, I had gone to take a picture in the Gyeongbokgung some year ago. It might be New Year's Day perhaps that time.
I see this picture after a long time and I retrospected my image of when was young.
~ Ben.
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