There is Fragrance of People

국악공연 (Gugak performance)

Homme-Fatale 2022. 9. 23. 02:50

Before I was 30, I had no interest in Korean traditional music. It was just music that was very good for sleeping. In other words, it was just boring music.

However, this idea changed in 2007, and I happened to be walking down the street in Bukchon taking pictures and entering a house. It was one of the places of Won Buddhism, one of the religions of Korea, and it gave me an opportunity to get to know the people there.

With that opportunity, I took good pictures and met good people. And through them, I had the opportunity to see Korean traditional music, Gugak, once again.

The following photos are videos of practicing before the main performance.



What is mean Gugak?


The music of Korea(Gugak) refers to music from the Korean peninsula ranging from prehistoric times to the division of Korea into South and North in 1945. It includes court music, folk music, poetic songs, and religious music used in shamanistic and Buddhist traditions. Together, traditional Korean music is referred to as Gugak (Hangul: 국악), which literally means "national music.


Music of Korea - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Traditional music of the Korean peninsula Traditional music parade in Seoul. The music of Korea refers to music from the Korean peninsula ranging from prehistoric times to the division


내가 30대 이전만해도 나는 국악에 대해 별로 관심이 없었다. 잠을 자기에 매우 좋은 음악 정도에 불과했다. 즉, 지루한 음악에 불과했다.

하지만 이러한 생각이 2007년에 바뀌게 되었는데, 나는 우연히 북촌의 길을 걸으며 사진을 찍고 있었고 어떤 집을 들어갔다. 그곳은 한국의 종교중에 하나인 원불교의 장소 중에 한 곳이였고, 그곳 사람들과 친해지는 계기가 생겼다.

그것을 기회로 나는 좋은 사진들을 찍었고, 좋은 사람들을 만났다. 그리고 그들을 통해서 한국의 전통 음악인 국악을 다시한번 볼 수 있는 기회를 갖게되었다.

다음의 사진들은 본 공연에 앞서 연습하는 영상입니다.



The video below is an advertisement video made in collaboration with the Sookmyung Women's University Gayageum Team (a type of traditional music instrument) and Korea's B-Boy.
(Music is Canon Variations.)


하기의 영상은 숙명여자대학교 가야금팀(국악 악기의 한 종류)과 한국의B-Boy가 함께 협연하하여 만든 광고 영상입니다.
(음악은 캐논 변주곡입니다.)


다시한번 언급하지만 이것은 본 공연이 아닌, 공연 전의 영상입니다.

Again, this is a video before the performance, not the actual performance.



- Camera : Canon EOS-20D

- Lense : Canon EF-70-200L IS/f2.8
